Aside from advanced maternal age, two of the most common reasons for referral for a genetic sonogram are fetal choroid plexus cysts (CPCs) and echogenic intracardiac foci (EIFs).
This research team looked at the sensitivity measurements to pressure at both the vulva and thumb as they randomly assigned the order of tests. This was repeated a week later on the contralateral side. Among 13 women with vulvodynia and 20 control patients, there was a strong correlation between the two visits, and there was no order effect noted.
Estrogen for Younger Postmenopausal Women; Warfarin Better for Atrial Fibrillation Patients; FDA Actions
Until recently, available information supported the notion that the transdermal route of administration of estradiol has less hepatic impact than the oral route.
Codes and colleagues from France followed a cohort of 251 women with chronic hepatitis C, and report data associating the severity of fibrosis established by liver biopsies with menopause and hormone therapy.
Aspirin, Higher Doses No More Effective, Risky; Subclinical Hypothyroidism Treatment Benefits; FDA approvals
The Million Women Study reported a small increase in the incidence of ovarian cancer and ovarian cancer mortality in current users of postmenopausal hormone therapy.
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is recognized worldwide as the principal culprit in the development of cervix cancer and its precursor dysplastic lesions. Also increasingly recognized is its role in other anogenital disease such as vulvar, vaginal and perianal warts, dysplasia and cancer.