Rebbeck and colleagues identified a cohort of 462 women with BRCA1/2 mutations from 13 medical centers in North America and Europe.
It has become increasingly documented that removal of the ovaries in high-risk women can not only reduce the risk of gynecologic malignancy but also improve the outcome of women with breast cancer.
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The positive relationship between the amount of surgical residual following primary extirpation of advanced ovarian cancer and survival thereafter has been one frequently cited to justify aggressive surgical evaluation.
There was a relatively recent article in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology that I passed over the first time, but have decided to cover now since it was highlighted in the British Medical Journal.
Faculty, residents, and students at the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine participated in a web-based survey regarding the attitudes toward and prescribing of controlled substances.
There are many factors responsible for the plummeting rate of vaginal birth after cesarean sections (VBACs). However, the major reason for the downward swing is the concern about uterine rupture and its maternal and fetal ramifications.
A survey was mailed to 500 members of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists presenting a case of symptomatic fibroids. The respondents were asked to choose hysterectomy or a uterus-sparing procedure, 49% responded.
Anderson and colleagues from the WHI performed subgroup analyses focusing on how prior hormone therapy use influenced the risk of breast cancer found in the estrogen-progestin trial arm.