This study was made possible by the mayo Clinic Cohort Study of Oophorectomy and Aging, the main aim of which is to detect new cases of age-related diseases, especially Parkinson's disease and dementia. This report focused on the mortality outcomes.
In the vast majority of hospitals magnesium sulfate has been the drug of choice to stop labor in patients presenting with preterm contractions.
Clarkson and colleagues report the results of a lower-dose estrogen trial in a monkey model of coronary atherosclerosis. The animals were fed an atherogenic diet for 10 months, calculated to induce atherosclerosis comparable to that observed in early postmenopausal women.
Bonny and colleagues report the effect of depot medroxyprogesterone on weight changes in obese and nonobese adolescent girls. This was a prospective study of 450 adolescents, aged 12 to 18 years.
Antiaging Supplements Proven Ineffective; The Three Most Common Culprits of ADE; New Guidelines for Lyme Disease Prevention; FDA Actions
Optimal surgical cytoreduction is a recognized staple of initial advanced ovarian cancer care. However, within the spectrum of patients who undergo this surgery are those in whom complete resection is either impossible or unwarranted in the face of certain unacceptable morbidity.
Jick and colleagues, epidemiologists at Boston University School of Medicine, performed a case-control study of nonfatal venous thrombosis using information derived from a very large database that records prescriptions and diagnoses longitudinally in managed health care plans.
The association between exogenous estrogen use and endometrial cancer development has been well documented. Nonetheless, the hazard of estrogen replacement therapy in women with a personal history of endometrial cancer has not been well studied and, despite anecdotal evidence of its safety, is largely discouraged among clinicians.
Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia; Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Knee; Refractory Asthma and TNFConnection?; FDA Actions