A national group of 13 experts participated in a consensus conference sponsored by The Endocrine Society to evaluate the literature on subclinical thyroid disease in order to address the question of treatment. This effort was stimulated by the obvious differences in conclusions and recommendations regarding this clinical problem in the medical literature.
I review for and subscribe to a journal, Fetal Diagnosis & Therapy, that services predominantly subspecialists in prenatal diagnosis. For example, recently there were 3 wonderful papers on in utero stem cell transplantation.
A retrospective study of 396 patients undergoing laparoscopic management for a 7-year period at a single institution was performed. Complications were statistically more likely if hysterectomy was also being performed or if the mass was of a smaller size.
Positive Alendronate Data in Osteoporosis; NSAIDs For Myocardial Infarction; Four-Hour Window for CAP Patients; FDA Actions.
In this special feature, up-to-date information will be provided regarding the risks and benefits of various diagnostic methods available today for patients of advanced maternal age (AMA).
Women who initially were diagnosed with Stage IA disease and who had serous borderline tumors or underwent cystectomy appeared to derive the most benefit from restaging surgery. Nonetheless, the indications for restaging surgery remain controversial, as no difference in recurrence rate was observed between women who underwent restaging and those who did not.
In a collective effort from the tumor registries of 4 academic centers, Huh and colleagues accessioned cases of uterine papillary serous carcinoma (UPSC), which, following comprehensive surgical staging, were identified with disease limited to the uterine corpussurgical stage I.
Some European studies indicate that 2-3% of pregnancies occur through assisted reproductive techniques (ART) while US statistics suggest that about 0.9% of all pregnancies result from ART. Although there has been much written about the profusion of multiple gestations secondary to ART, little attention has been directed toward singleton pregnancies.
Endometrial biopsies were performed using intrauterine lidocaine only, naproxen only, both, or neither. Intrauterine lidocaine significantly reduced the pain when used in conjunction with oral naproxen sodium.