Long-term treatment (up to 5 years) with soy phytoestrogens was associated with an increased occurrence of endometrial hyperplasia. These findings call into question the long-term safety of phytoestrogens with regard to the endometrium.
The AFI offers no advantage in detecting adverse outcomes compared with the single deepest pocket when performed with the BPP. The AFI may cause more interventions by labeling twice as many at-risk pregnancies as having oligohydramnios than with the single deepest pocket technique.
It has been recently recognized and increasingly reported that ovarian cancer patients frequently manifest symptoms, predominately related to their gastrointestinal or urinary tracts, a significant period of time ahead of their diagnosis.
The canceled estrogen-progestin arm of the Womens Health Initiative reported an increase in ovarian cancer that was not statistically significant, prompting the authors to say: The possibility of an increased risk of ovarian cancer incidence and mortality remains worrisome and needs confirmation.
These data support the hypothesis that favorable survival that is associated with optimal debulking of advanced ovarian cancers is due to, at least in part, the underlying biologic characteristics of these cancers.
Good outcomes with vasa previa depend primarily on prenatal diagnosis and cesarean delivery at 35 weeks of gestation or earlier should rupture of membranes, labor, or significant bleeding occur.
Hypothyroidism and Pregnancy; Anti-Depressants and the Risk of Suicide; FDA Actions; Brief Notes.
It is hard to believe, but whom, how, and when to screen for thyroid disease is a highly controversial topic. The controversy is fueled by uncertainty about which populations are at risk, short-term cost vs benefit considerations, lack of consensus about when to initiate treatment, whether to use a mix of thyroxine and thyronine, and debate about the long-term risks of treating vs not treating asymptomatic individuals.
Abdominal myomectomy might improve reproductive outcome in cases of intramural or subserosal fibroids especially if the patient is less than 30 years of age and the myoma is single.