Older people who report memory decline or show objective evidence of cognitive impairment are more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia over time.
Miller and colleagues, representing 29 study centers in the United States, reported the results of a Phase 2 clinical trial, assessing the impact of denosumab on bone density.
The authors provide a mini-primer on interstitial cystitis (IC), a condition that is known to be poorly diagnosed and treated in many circumstances.
Moll and colleagues from Amsterdam performed a subgroup analysis within their randomized clinical trial of women with polycystic ovary syndrome comparing metformin plus clomiphene treatment with clomiphene alone.
Glinert and colleagues from Israel report the use of photodynamic therapy to successfully ablate single feto-placental implantations in rats.
July of this year represented the 5-year anniversary of the publication of Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) protocol 178, a pivotal trial demonstrating the significant impact of 9 additional months of paclitaxel chemotherapy to women who had achieved a complete clinical response to primary therapy.
In the Issue: Ongoing safety review of tiotropium; raloxifene reduces the risk of endometrial cancer; one-day treatment with famciclovir may be as effective as 3-day treatment with valacyclovir; new Clinical Practice Guideline from the American College of Physicians regarding pharmacologic treatment for low bone density and osteoporosis; FDA Actions.
Cigarettes and pregnancy are a risky combination, and there is an abundance of data to indicate that perinatal outcome is improved if patients can abstain from smoking.