Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar and Other Common Vinegars: A Review
A review of the literature to summarize the health benefits of apple ciider vinegar and other common vinegars.
Intravenous Nutrient Therapies — Worth the Cost?
Intravenous nutrient therapies are gaining in popularity to help patients maintain overall wellness, enhance weight loss, boost immune function, increase athletic performance, cure hangovers, and treat particular conditions. However, the increase in the use of these therapies in both healthy individuals and those with health conditions has not translated into increased published research studies investigating efficacy and safety.
Pediatrics: Diet Matters
Specific diets show evidence of efficacy in the treatment of several common pediatric disorders.
Supplements Instead of Food? A Specific Case for Yes
A nutritional supplement helped malnourished nursing home residents gain weight and improve quality of life, more so than dietary advice and counseling.
Extra-virgin Olive Oil Reduces Postprandial Glucose in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes
In this study, the authors demonstrated significantly improved postprandial glucose levels in patients that consumed high glycemic index meals with extra-virgin olive oil compared to meals with butter or low fat meals.
The Effect of Stress on Food
Stress experienced prior to eating may raise inflammation levels as much as eating a high saturated fat meal in a relaxed state.
An ‘Ounce of Prevention’ May Keep Off Pounds
Specific self-regulation techniques are shown to be effective at preventing weight gain in young adults.
Changing Gut Microbiota to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes
The long-term consumption of a healthy diet, such as the Mediterranean diet or low-fat/high complex carbohydrate diets, may exert a protective effect on the development of type 2 diabetes by changing the gut microbiota, increasing the abundance of Roseburia genera and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, respectively.
FDA Nutrition Facts Label Changes
The FDA recently announced changes to the nutrition facts panel required as a label on all foods.
Potatoes Increase Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Potato consumption, particularly in the form of French fries, is strongly correlated with the development of type 2 diabetes.