Blood Pressure Control: Exercise vs. Meds
A random-effects network meta-analysis demonstrated comparable reductions in systolic blood pressure among normotensive and hypertensive participants using either antihypertensive medication or exercise interventions.
Eating Blue for Your Gray Matter: A Review of Blueberries and Cognitive Function
Healthy older adults, as well as those with subjective cognitive impairment or meeting criteria for mild cognitive impairment, could consider including blueberries as part of a Mediterranean-like diet to help reduce the risk of cognitive decline.
Not Just Bulk: Dietary Fiber Crucial to Good Health
Dietary fiber is crucial to maintaining a healthy gut microbiome. The microbiome helps determine our mental and physical health in ways that continue to be discovered.
Attitudes Among Individuals Following Vegan, Vegetarian, and Omnivore Diets and Entomophagy (Insect Eating)
Insect consumption may be a solution to resource-intensive animal meat production in the future as global dietary protein demands increase. However, attitudes regarding insect consumption are not well understood.
Diet and Global Mortality
Worldwide, there are alarming trends in unhealthy eating habits, which account for significant morbidity and mortality.
Behavioral Interventions in Adults for Weight Loss or Weight Loss Maintenance
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force evaluated the risks and benefits of interventions for weight loss and weight loss maintenance to prevent complications from obesity and found a moderate net benefit from weight loss-intensive behavioral interventions.
The Effect of Preconception Vitamin D Levels on Live Birth and Pregnancy Loss
This secondary analysis of Effects of Aspirin in Gestation and Reproduction trial found that women with sufficient 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels (≥ 30 ng/mL) were more likely to become pregnant and have a live birth than women with insufficient concentrations of vitamin D.
Can Quality of Diet Lower the Risk of Depressive Symptoms?
In a meta-analysis of 42 studies, researchers found that subjects who reported following the Mediterranean diet closely had a 0.67 reduced risk of developing depressive symptoms compared with low adherence to this diet.
Do Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Play a Role in the Treatment of Anxiety?
In a review and meta-analysis of 19 studies regarding use of omega-3 fatty acids for treating anxiety, researchers showed improvement in anxiety symptoms with these nutrients. The effect appears most significant in a clinically diagnosed subpopulation.
Weight Loss Maintenance — Is Low-Carb the Key? An Investigation Into the Metabolic Effect of Diet
Researchers found that among adults seeking to maintain weight loss, consumption of a low-carbohydrate diet led to the highest total energy expenditure.