The demographics of our foreign-born population have undergone a polar shift during the past 50 years. Europeans once made up the majority of new arrivals, but Asians and Latin Americans now predominate. Part II of this series will familiarize physicians with some of the infections and diseases specific to immigrants from particular regions of the world.
Synopsis: The clinical decision rule tested in this study reduced unnecessary hospital admissions in patients with suspected acute cardiac ischemia without affecting safety.
In a recent issue of Critical Care Alert I discussed the epidemiology and pathophysiology of invasive fungal infections that afflict patients in the ICU. In this issue, I review the current treatment options.
The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) is pilot testing 8 of the 11 standardized intensive care core measures initially put forth for public comment.
The centers for disease control and prevention (CDC) has issued updated guidance to help infection control professionals prevent costly intravascular catheter-related bloodstream infections (BSIs).
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published Smallpox Vaccination and Adverse ReactionsGuidance for Clinicians in the Jan. 24th edition of Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. The guidance is a thorough review of the smallpox vaccine with a well-illustrated compendium of complications.
The purpose of this pre- and postintervention observation study was to evaluate the effect of an educational initiative on ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) rate. The educational program was directed towards respiratory therapists and critical care nurses.
Synopsis: This carefully done systematic review of the existing literature shows that overall mortality and ICU length of stay are better with increasing involvement of critical care physicians in patient care.