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  • Urine Cultures: A Gateway to Antibiotic Overuse

    Inappropriate antibiotics use in nursing homes across North America continues driving antibacterial resistance and the risk of Clostridioides difficile infection in the elderly.

  • Consensus Position Statement on the Use of Testosterone in Women

    A task force of representatives from leading international societies issued guidance for appropriate prescribing of testosterone in women.

  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the United States — Not a Happy Picture

    Since reaching historically low rates, many sexually transmitted infections have re-emerged in the United States. Of particular concern is the continued emergence of antibiotic resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

  • Dual Antiplatelet Therapy Results in Increase in Serious Hemorrhages Following TIA or Minor Stroke

  • Smartwatches for the Diagnosis of Atrial Fibrillation

  • What Is the Optimal Blood Pressure for Secondary Prevention of Stroke?

  • Patients With Stable Coronary Disease and Atrial Fibrillation Are Best Treated With Rivaroxaban, Alone

  • Treating Depression in Epilepsy: To Medicate or Not?

    Epileptic patients with major depression were randomized to either cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or sertraline. Depression and related secondary health outcomes were analyzed in both groups. Sertraline and CBT were found to be equally efficacious with improvement in mood in just over one-half of the patients.

  • Prognosis in Small Fiber Neuropathy

    Small fiber neuropathy is a common disorder that causes chronic pain, but rarely progresses to disability or more severe neurological disorders. Management of the pain continues to be the major challenge in treatment.

  • Stereoelectroencephalography in Surgical Evaluation of Intractable Epilepsy

    Epilepsy surgery is one of the treatment modalities for intractable pharmacoresistent epilepsy. For seizure freedom to be achieved, the epileptogenic zone (EZ) must be resected successfully. Stereoelectroencephalography is one of the invasive intracranial EEG recording techniques used for EZ localization. The technological advancements in the past two decades have made this procedure safer, more accurate, and easier to perform and therefore more readily available.