The FDA has approved an injectable drug for treating Parkinsons patients during hypomobility periods known as off periods.
The present results on the Cache County study provide some of the strongest evidence to date that intake of antioxidant vitamin supplements may be beneficial.
Dietary calcium, phytate, and fluid intake are associated with a decreased risk of symptomatic nephrolithiasis in younger women.
Moderate alcohol consumption is associated with a decreased incidence of diabetes mellitus and a decrease in heart disease in persons with diabetes.
Normal PSA levels in elderly men should not be cause for reassurance that cancer does not exist. A rise in PSA level at any range should be a cause for concern about cancer.
Trauma to the thoracic cavity is responsible for approximately 10-25%
of all trauma-related deaths, with the majority of these deaths
occurring after arrival at the emergency department. The mortality for
isolated chest injury is relatively low (less than 5%); however, with
multiple organ system involvement, the mortality approaches 30%. This
article dissects the critical aspects of thoracic trauma and highlights
acute care management strategies.
When it comes to treating lipids in patients with heart disease, the mantra may be, The lower the LDL, the better. Data from the multicenter Reversal of Atherosclerosis with Aggressive Lipid Lowering (REVERSAL) trial indicate that aggressive reduction of atherogenic lipoproteins prevents progression of disease.