Absence of evidence-based medicine is both humbling, as well as a reminder of how substantial a role the art and oral tradition of medicine plays in the care of neurologic patients.
Methylprednisolone significantly improves the recovery of peripheral vestibular function in patients with vestibular neuritis, whereas valacyclovir does not.
FDA Rejects Plan B Bid; Recombinant Erythropoietin Products May Stimulate Tumor Growth; Rosuvastatin: Markets Most Potent Statin; FDA Actions.
This retrospective study determined that catheter-directed thrombolysis was equally effective and safe whether urokinase, alteplase, or reteplase was used, but that costs were substantially less with the newer recombinant drugs.
In this randomized, controlled trial, when patients developed recurrent respiratory failure following extubation, the use of noninvasive ventilation delayed but did not prevent reintubation, and this delay was associated with a higher mortality rate in the ICU.
The gold standard in the era of EBM is the randomized controlled trial (RCT). A properly designed and carried out RCT, in patients similar to those the practitioner manages and using end points relevant to both practitioner and patient, is more likely to be free from bias and to produce results that will stand up over time than other types of investigation such as retrospective analyses, case-control studies, and unsystematic clinical observations.
Patients who received hyperoxia during general surgery had an increase in surgical site infections compared to those who received a lower oxygen concentration.