Serum analysis of 45 subjects for antibodies and humoral immunity over a median of 15 years showed antiviral responses ranging from 11-19 years for tetanus-diphtheria, 50 years for varicella-zoster, and up to 200 years for measles and mumps.
The FDA has approved a non-halogenated nasal steroid for use in pediatric patients aged 6 to 12 years and adults. Ciclesonide is a prodrug that was previously approved for adults and adolescents but was not marketed. It's to be marketed by Nycomed US Inc. as Omnaris.
Patients with epilepsy are unaware of most of their seizures. Video-EEG is the most reliable method to accurately determine seizure frequency.
Patients with acute low back pain receiving acetaminophen and standard advice do not benefit from the addition of NSAIDs or spinal manipulative therapy.
It is well accepted that subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation is effective in improving motor function in Parkinson's disease. However, the effect of DBS (deep brain stimulation) on non-motor symptoms still needs to be further studied.
RCVS occurs in a variety of clinical settings, and should be considered and investigated in any person with sudden severe headache that is unexplained by other disorders.
In an adult population older than age 45, brain MRI reveled that 1.8% had asymptomatic aneurysms, 1.6% had benign tumors, and 7.2% had silent brain infarcts.