Clinical Briefs in Cardiology, Vol 16 in PDF
Do Red-cell Storage Times Affect Outcomes from Blood Transfusion?
A growing literature suggests that packed red blood cell (PRBC) transfusions are associated with adverse outcomes in a variety of patient populations, but the mechanisms behind the observed effects are not clear. -
Missed Opportunities for Noninvasive Ventilation in Acute Respiratory Failure
Investigators at St Paul's Hospital in Vancouver, BC, conducted a retrospective review of all ICU admissions between November 1998 and July 2003, to find all patients who were potential candidates for noninvasive ventilation (NIV) in the context of an exacerbation of COPD or acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema (CPE). -
Clinical Briefs in Primary Care supplement
How Effective is Communication in the ICU with the Use of Medical Interpreters?
Effective patient communication is a critical component to ICU patient care and to family member understanding of a critical illness. -
Atrophy of Diaphragm Muscle Fibers in Mechanically Ventilated Patients
Clinicians generally believe that mechanical ventilation rests and restores the respiratory muscles in acute respiratory failure. -
Daily Pharmacist Supervision of Sedation Guideline Adherence Gets Patients off Mechanical Ventilation Faster
Although protocol-driven sedation and analgesia management has been shown to improve patient outcomes, adherence to these guidelines is often poor. -
Full July 2008 Issue in PDF
Pharmacology Watch: CDC Adds Shingles Vaccine to List for Adults 60 Plus
In This Issue: Shingles vaccine added to CDC list of vaccines for adults 60 and older; CDC recommends Tdap for postpartum women; new study suggests sequential therapy with antibiotics for H. pylori may be more effective than standard therapy; FDA Actions. -
Survival from In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest is Worse at Night/Weekends
This study of a very large prospective series of cardiac arrests in over 500 US hospitals found that survival rates were lower during nights and weekends, differences that persisted despite adjustments for patient, resuscitation event, and hospital characteristics.