For many years, chiropractic medicine often has been viewed with skepticism and even ridicule by organized medicine. Yet, we have all had patients who praise their chiropractor for taking care of symptoms for which we have only pills and physical therapy to offer.
A patient with primary, medically refractory dystonia, without a fixed skeletal deformity is a good candidate for pallidal deep brain stimulation. Shorter disease duration predicts a good outcome, but age of dystonia onset, severity of the disease, DYT1 status, and phasic/tonic predominance do not provide predictive value.
Patients with transient global amnesia (TGA), with or without DWI+ (positive diffusion weighted images) on MRI, do not have an increase in any vascular risk factors compared to healthy age and sex matched controls.
While about one-half of patients with migraine with aura have a patent foramen ovale, their right-to-left cardiac shunt does not increase the risk of white matter lesions on MRI scan of the brain.
Patients with a history of migraine headaches are likely to have a headache in association with an acute ischemic stroke. The headaches are migraine-like and often occur with brainstem infarcts.
This case review of 960 patients details the clinical features of musicians' hand dystonia, a potentially disabling focal task-specific dystonia often beginning at peak-career. Cases were predominantly male, with onset typically in the fourth decade and most commonly affecting the third digit or contiguous fingers on the ulnar side.
Enzyme replacement therapy appears safe and effective for this rare genetic muscle disease.
Blockage of the harmful effects of tissue plasminogen activator by imatinib (Gleevec) might improve ischemic stroke outcomes.
Guidelines for prediabetes from The American College of Endocrinology; statins for the prevention of dementia? Possible help for women suffering from sexual side effects while on antidepressants; government incentives for electronic prescribing; FDA Actions.