There continues to be a huge discrepancy between the number of individuals on the national waiting list for vital organ transplant and the number of donor organs available.
Statin and niacin increase HDL-C, omeprazole reduces effectiveness of clopidogrel, darbe-poetin increases risk of stroke, statins decrease risk of gallstone disease, FDA Actions.
The U. S. Surgeon General has advised women not to drink if they become pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or are at risk of becoming pregnant. Innocent children suffer the consequences of physical, mental, and behavioral manifestations that can extend into adulthood. Since fetal alcohol syndrome is 100% preventable, the primary care physician needs to be vigilant and diligent in the education of female adolescents and women of childbearing age.
REM sleep behavior disorder may be an early manifestation of a more generalized neurodegenerative disorder that involves the nigrostriatal system.
Gerstmann Syndrome is associated with lesions of the parietal cortex and subcortical white matter in the region of the angular gyrus. It should be considered one of the "disconnection" syndromes.
Detection of Bereitschaftspotential (BP) via EEG-EMG back averaging is helpful in differentiating psychogenic myoclonus from organic myoclonus. But, technical limitations of this technique and its availability have limited its utilization in clinical practice.