The Real Cause of Dizziness in Elderly Patients
When complaints of dizziness in elderly patients were evaluated in primary care offices, the most common cause was cardiovascular disease, combined with contributions from adverse drug reactions. This contradicts many previous studies done in tertiary care settings where vertigo or vestibular disease was found to be the most common cause. -
Antiviral Recommendations for H1N1
Denosumab Receives Conditional Approval from FDA Expert Panel
Antibiotic Use Declines Overall, While Use of Broad-Spectrum Increases
FDA Actions
Pharmacology Watch - Full October 2010 Issue in PDF
Primary Care Reports - Full October 2010 Issue in PDF
Current Approaches in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Peripheral Arterial Disease
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a pathological condition characterized by atherosclerotic occlusion of arterial blood supply to the lower or upper extremities. -
Clinical Briefs in Primary Care Supplement
Pharmacology Watch
WHO recommendations for antiviral use for H1N1 flu; antibiotic use trends for acute respiratory tract infection; denosumab clears FDA Expert Panel; FDA Actions.