Medical Ethics
‘Very Serious Ethical Problem:’ Adverse Events Often Unpublished
Much information on adverse events in clinical trials remains unpublished — and the number of adverse events is higher in unpublished than published versions of the same study, according to a recent review.
Medical Assistance In Dying Now Legal In Canada: Ethicists Are Providing Education
Physician-assisted dying is legal in Canada, due to legislation passed in June 2016. Ethicists are among those providing multidisciplinary education in the hospital setting.
New Data on Physician-assisted Suicide in U.S.
New data on attitudes and practices of euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide from 1947 to 2016 found that physician-assisted suicide is increasingly being legalized.
Physician-assisted Dying: It’s ‘Perhaps the Central Question in Medical Ethics Today’
With physician-assisted dying currently legal in six states, hospitals are facing ethical questions on responding to requests and addressing conscientious objectors.
Teleconsent Boosts Recruitment of Rural Research Participants
One barrier to recruitment of qualified research participants for clinical trials is the cumbersome, time-consuming consent process. Another is the lack of access to participants in remote locations.
Ethical Implications of Burdensome Readmissions
Dual eligibility for Medicare and Medicaid is associated with lower 30-day readmission rates in patients enrolled in a hospice program, found a recent study.
Researchers Propose Approach to Identify Quality Measures for Ethics
While there is a great deal of diverse literature on clinical ethics consultation, it has never been looked at through the specific lens of quality measurement.
Ethicists are Seeing More Complicated Cases
Ethicists at Memorial Medical Center were seeing increasingly complicated cases extending over longer time frames, and created a tool to determine complexity of cases.
VHA Uses Comprehensive Approach to Ethics Evaluation
Is an ethics consultant highly qualified and able to demonstrate his or her knowledge with an impressive portfolio of cases?
Ethicists Demonstrate Benefits by Surveying Clinicians
Ethicists at Indiana University surveyed clinicians about their experience with ethics consultation.