Medical Ethics
Ethics-Administrator Relations Go From Adversarial to Collegial
Good relations between ethics and hospital administration require a solid understanding of their distinct roles.
‘Tremendous Interest’ in Dementia-specific Advance Directives
Court challenges and resistance are expected for recently developed dementia-specific advance directives despite strong demand voiced by patients, family, and providers.
Advance Care Planning Discussions ‘Buried’ in EHRs: Problem Is Pervasive
Half of patients with a completed advance care planning legal form had no explanatory discussion documented, found a recent study.
Reporting Individual Results to Research Participants
Noting that IRBs historically have “actively discouraged the disclosure of research results to individual participants,” a recently published consensus report calls for a paradigm shift toward transparency and disclosure of findings to research subjects.
NIH Reaches Out to Native Americans to Join All of Us Study
The National Institutes of Health is treading carefully and erring on the side of communication and inclusion in asking American Indian and Alaska Natives to participate in the All of Us precision research initiative.
Meaningful Informed Consent Tells People What They Want to Know
Informed consent forms should provide information that a reasonable person would like to have and that would help an informed person make a decision on whether to participate in a study.
Managing Conflicts of Interest Requires Time, Expertise
Research institutions could improve their conflicts of interest management by devoting staff or departmental resources to the issue.
Consciousness Guidelines Affect Continuation of Care
New guidelines on how to determine consciousness could affect how healthcare organizations address legal questions regarding intensity of care, discontinuation of care, and end-of-life decisions.
Surge in Ethics Consults Outside ICU Setting
Ethicists at Springfield, IL-based Memorial Medical Center have been seeing increased volume of consults for some time. Recently, they have noticed many are occurring outside of the ICU setting.
Patients With Language Barriers Less Likely to Limit Life Support and Change Code to DNR
Decisions regarding life support, code status, and advance directives are different for patients with limited English proficiency in the ICU compared with patients whose primary language was English, found a recent study.