Medical Ethics
Ethics of Genetic Research on Alcohol Addiction
Genetic testing is not yet ready for use in the prediction of alcohol dependence, according to a recent ethical guidance.
Revised Guidelines, New Data Shed Light on Palliative Care
While hospice care is a Medicare benefit and is accessible for most Americans, access to palliative care is more limited.
Law Enforcement Requests Conflict With Nurses’ Ethical Obligations
Nurses around the country are noticing a disturbing trend: Some patients suspected of violent crimes are admitted for medical care but are not arrested.
Complex Research Ethics Question? Consultants Offer Their Expertise
The research ethics consultation works independently from the IRBs, although the IRBs occasionally reach out for help with challenging cases. Researchers typically seek help early in the process when thinking about recruitment or what populations to include.
Ethical Responses if Surrogate Is Unfit for Role
Surrogates may be ill-suited for the role due to lacking capacity themselves or failing to act in the patient’s best interest.
Providing Care Viewed as Futile or Unnecessary Linked to Physician Burnout, Intention to Quit
About one-third of clinicians considered leaving their jobs due to providing care they saw as futile or potentially inappropriate, found the authors of a recent survey.
Earning the Trust of Research Subjects
Achieving trust in human research can be challenging in an age of precision medicine that calls for long-term relationships and potential unintended consequences far beyond a simple informed consent document.
Research Program Closely Monitors Compliance
Compliance with the 2017 changes to registration can be time-consuming, as at least one organization has learned over the past year.
FDA Unveils Real-World Data Initiative
The FDA recently opened a promising path to capture real-world data and evidence to complement traditional clinical trials and open new avenues of research.
Right to Try Off to a Cautious Start
While the federal Right to Try law enacted last year essentially bypassed IRB oversight of patients seeking investigational drugs, research ethics panels and their institutions can codify a requirement for local oversight into their policies and procedures.