Medical Ethics
VHA model to bring ethics into "organizational mainstream"
An IntegratedEthics model that was rolled out in 2000 by the Veterans Health Administration is based on the idea that quality health care includes ethics. -
Patients with LEP likely to experience worse outcomes
There are multiple ethical issues related to caring for patients with limited English proficiency (LEP). -
Even with ACA, access to care remains a pressing ethical concern
The Affordable care Act is expanding access to health care by expanding Medicaid coverage and subsidizing health insurance policies available through health exchanges, but enrollment has been impeded by multiple factors. -
ACA provisions: "Overwhelmingly positive potential" to improve Americans' end-of-life care
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has the potential to improve end-of-life care and encourage the use of palliative care. -
Observation index ensures efficient audit
Study: Not all published trial data is complete
QI review finds problem with IRB's IC form
Staffing, collaborations top IRB issues
QI projects aim to prevent problems, improve processes
IRB creates user-friendly chart review application