Medical Ethics
IRBs Use Inconsistent Processes for Informed Consent with Non-English Speakers
Translations, interpretation services, and other necessary accommodations for non-English speakers need to be built into study budgets
To Eliminate Race-Based Disparities, Start by Asking Questions
"If not the bioethicist, who else in the hospital system is going to be responsible for checking to make sure that systemic racism isn’t occurring within the hospital?"
IRBs Facing Ethically Controversial Questions on Brain Research
The field of brain research sounds a lot like science fiction, but human neural organoids, human neural transplants, and human-animal chimeras all are imminent realities. IRBs are going to be facing some difficult decisions on whether this research can proceed. The authors of a recent report examined these issues.
Women Remain Underrepresented in Cardiology Research
Ageism, lack of diverse leadership among several reasons a prominent committee listed as barriers.
Medical Groups Back Youth Right to Consent
National organizations filed amicus briefs in two federal cases centered on a law enacted in Washington, DC. -
Hybrid ED/ICU Setting Cuts Critical Care Admission Rates
For patients and families, a combination ED-ICU means avoiding costly ICU admissions that do not align with care goals. For health systems, it means alleviating ICU capacity strain. -
Chaplains Play Unique Role in Advance Care Planning
Ninety percent of 585 of board-certified healthcare chaplains said advance care planning is important to their work, 70% regularly help patients complete paperwork after discussions, 90% facilitate discussions with patients about their preferences, and 45% reported they were not consistently included in team discussions on decision-making. -
Framework for Developing Health Research Ethics Competencies
Researchers were surprised that despite ongoing efforts to develop research ethics programs over many years in the United States and internationally, there was no published competency framework to follow, nor was there a standard approach to creating competencies in this context. This, despite the fact competencies have been used for education in business, medicine, and elsewhere for decades. -
Informed Consent, Payment Are Ethical Concerns with Egg Donation
A survey of current and former egg donors revealed some possible gaps when it comes to communicating potential long-term risks. -
Survey: More Education Could Boost COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Among Youth
Adolescents and their parents are interested in taking the COVID-19 vaccine; more education and other developments could sway even more, according to the results of a survey. Respondents indicated more information on safety and efficacy for adolescents was one of the top factors that would increase the likelihood of taking the vaccine. They also said primary care providers and health officials were their most trusted sources for vaccine information.