Medical Ethics
30-minute session sharpens skills
Patients to have Web, bedside pay options
Offer incentives to top collectors
After implementing incentives in 2013, OSF Healthcare collected more than $30,000 in copays, up from $2900 in 2012. -
Have staff members learn from top collectors
Price estimate is biggest challenge
After price estimation technology was implemented at Ohio Health, collections increased from $12.8 million in FY 2013 to more than $19 million in FY 2013. -
Collections to top $8 million in 2013
Difficulty getting pricing info is challenge -
Collections are now at $540,000 monthly
1% of net revenue: Tools needed to do it
To excel at upfront collections, patient access need real-time insurance verification, patient risk scoring, and payment estimation tools, according to revenue cycle experts. -
Teach staff to fix collection mistakes
Patient access leaders should explain to employees why collection is important to the hospital and instruct staff on how to correct mistakes. -
Controversy over incidental findings in genetic testing
When performing whole genome sequencing, clinicians may encounter incidental findings unrelated to the condition for which the patient was tested. The American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics recently recommended that clinical labs should be required to analyze 56 genes that increase the likelihood of diseases for which there is an intervention.