No one likes to think that their care differs based on some external element of the patient the way they look or talk, their perceived class. But study after study shows that we arent as blind to difference as wed like to think.
Two years ago, when Hospital Peer Review did its salary survey, we were in the midst of the deepest recession that this country had known since the Great Depression.
Ethical issues involving the medical use of marijuana include whether it is possible for the benefits to exceed its known risks, and that many physicians making recommendations operate on the margins of the medical community.
Clinical ethicists can help surrogate decision makers and clinicians to resolve conflicts over a patient's end-of-life wishes by facilitating communication between involved parties and exploring difficult questions.
Learning health care systems" necessitate the collection of large amounts of data electronically during every health care encounter.
Clinicians may face pressure from family members to keep going when there is concern that the patient might not have wanted aggressive end-of-life interventions, or the health care team considers palliation in the patients best interests.
Policies expanding physician performance incentives highlight the importance of considering ethical implications when constructing systems.
Interpretation of results of genetic screening tests is potentially problematic for both providers and patients, and misunderstandings can arise regarding their implications.
The continuing development and dissemination of high-cost medical treatments poses significant ethical questions regarding access to health care and just distribution of the benefits of these treatments, according to John C. Moskop, PhD, chair of the Clinical Ethics Committee at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, NC.
Many patients dont discuss their end-of-life wishes with physicians, but even if they do, those wishes often fail to be added to patients medical records, according to a recent study.1 We expected to see some problems thats why we did the study but we were surprised by the magnitude of the problem! says Daren Heyland, MD, MSc, scientific director of the Clinical Evaluation Research Unit at Kingston General Hospital in Ontario, Canada.