Medical Ethics
Researchers Overlook Unintended Consequences of Health Technology
Health technology studies usually cover research ethics related to conducting the study. However, paper authors often seem to omit details about the ethical implications of the technology itself. This gap is important to consider in an era of dramatically advancing technology.
Artificial Intelligence Soon Could Transform the Field of Clinical Ethics
Using a tool that could introduce bias into a clinical situation or during an ethics consult is problematic. To address these and other issues, ethicists can and should be part of their facility's artificial intelligence oversight board.
Legal Implications if Adolescents Seek Confidential Care
Generally, emergency clinicians are required to obtain parental consent for care provided to minors. However, there can be exceptions if the minor is seeking treatment for sexually transmitted infections, mental health, substance use disorders, sexual assault, or pregnancy. Several federal and state laws apply. Healthcare professionals are advised to be aware of the laws where they practice.
Nurses and Physicians Find Ethics Consults Helpful, But for Different Reasons
Ethicists are challenged to meet the needs of everyone involved during an ethics consult. Now, ethicists can turn to some new data on how those differ.
Updated Recommendations on Pediatric End-of-Life Care
A report includes a review of essential elements of care for patients and families. The authors covered discussions on goals of care, how to establish end-of-life care goals, advance care planning, and palliative and hospice involvement.
Encourage Reluctant Clinicians to Contact Ethics
Ethicists can contact department chairs and clinical leadership to express interest in participating in grand rounds or educational forums. Contact nursing leaders to offer in-service training sessions on frequently encountered ethical issues. Join hospital committees to learn more about ethical issues clinicians are encountering. The idea is to gain the support of individual clinicians, the medical staff, and hospital leaders.
Ethicists Strive to Make Training for Consults More Consistent
Hospital administrators vary in their awareness of the need for training for ethics consultants. They want to believe the committee is doing good work. But as ethics committees often do not capture metrics to measure their work product quality, it is hard for leaders to question the training quality.
Making Ethical Decisions on Genetic Testing, Precision Medicine
Physicians are obligated to consider the benefits and harms of genetic testing. They must be prepared to engage in discussions with patients, and offer assistance in understanding the risks, benefits, and uncertainties of direct-to-consumer genetic testing. Clinicians must safeguard privacy, security, and confidentiality of patient information.
Court-Appointed Guardians for Unrepresented Patients
Ethicists are seeing a range of issues arise during consults involving unrepresented patients, including conflicts over how aggressive treatment should be, whether to treat at all, how to discharge, and how to follow up with compliance with treatment. Creating a template for actions to take related to unrepresented persons who present to the hospital is a proactive first step.
Some IRBs Expand Their Purview to Consider Scientific Merit
The most common ethics-related reasons for protocol deferral were inadequate informed consent, insufficient protection of participants’ safety, inadequate detail of risk assessment, and inadequate minimization of risks. Some study protocols were not approved due to issues of scientific merit, such as adequate adverse event reporting or the importance of the knowledge to be gained. Read on to learn how to prevent these problems and avoid delays.