Medical Ethics
To Pay or Not to Pay: Researchers Grapple with Implications of Reimbursing Study Participants
Pushback on paying participants comes from both researchers and IRBs. From the researcher’s perspective, concerns revolve around budgetary limitations and how much they can afford to pay. IRBs generally are more concerned about payment amounts causing undue influence on participation.
Patients Say Researchers Are Ethically Obligated to Return Study Data
Returning patient-reported outcome data to study participants is a growing priority for researchers. it is important to do it in a way that is comprehensible, actionable, and aligned with participants’ preferences.
Growing Concerns About Health Data Use
A group recently outlined ethical, legal, and societal standards for data collection, use, and reuse to which researchers, technology companies, and others can be held accountable. The statement assures people the stewardship of their data is taken seriously, and that the company is committed to using it ethically.
Does Current IRB System Ensure Ethical Research?
A consensus is needed for how to measure IRB quality or effectiveness, and more inspections are needed to ensure instances of IRB noncompliance are identified, according to the authors of a recent report.
Physicians Suggest Small But Important Update to Standards for Determining Death
The Uniform Law Commission is debating possible revisions to the Uniform Determination of Death Act.
Biden Administration Releases 10 Drugs for Price Negotiation
Medications represent 20% of the total Medicare Part D gross covered prescription costs.
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Trainees Want Ethics Expertise
Ethics education would not replace the option or need to obtain a formal ethics consultation. However, such education could lead to fewer cases during which specialists believe they need such assistance.
Ethics Involvement Is Needed with Medical Artificial Intelligence
Ethicists can help research, design, develop, and implement artificial intelligence programs at the administrative or practice levels.
Ethicists Are Addressing Social Determinants of Health
Hospitals and health systems should do more to address social determinants of health to meet an ethical obligation to improve community health. Ethicists can collaborate with clinicians and social workers to find solutions. Considering the complexity of such issues, it may be unrealistic to develop effective interventions immediately. But an ethics consult is a good starting point.
Ethical Approaches to Informed Consent for Genetic Testing
Participants should understand what the test is for, why, what could be found, what type of information will be returned to them (and how), what resources will be available for any needed follow-up care, what will happen to their data, the point of the research, and potential for data to be used in future research.