Palliative care once was a rare treatment option in the hospital setting, but in recent years it has grown in popularity to the point that most major hospitals and many small-to-mid-sized hospitals have palliative care programs available for patients, an expert says.
Fresh research on burnout in the medical profession makes it clear that hospital ethics boards need to be proactive on this issue. Their role could include educating and suggesting policies to prevent physician and resident burnout and any resulting repercussions.
Clinical ethics consultations still are infrequent in most hospitals, but their use is beginning to enter ethics board conversations, and it's an area that should be approached with cautious preparation, an expert says.
The default policy of many hospitals is to have clinicians perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on dying patients except when there is a do-not-resuscitate (DNR) medical order signed by the patient.
Hospital ethics boards should take the lead in promoting greater intercultural understanding between clinical staff and patients, according to an expert. This begins with education focusing around cultural awareness.
Ethical concerns and privacy regulations make for a more complicated situation when health care researchers desire to view patient records to find potential research subjects.
Value-based purchasing has been a much-used term, and the evolution to such a system has been long held as a reality for the future.
In the first three articles of this series, Vicki Searcy, president, consulting services at Morrisey Associates Inc. in Chicago, introduced the four basic components of clinical privileging. She examined establishing criteria for privileges as well as accepting applications for privileges and applying criteria.
It's a proposed rule. So it's up for comment. And that's a good thing, because there are many in the field.
Michelle Buckman, RN, MSN, is a psychiatric clinical nurse specialist working as a consultant to the Loma Linda University Medical Center emergency department.