The first-in-human clinical trials raise difficult ethical issues for researchers and review boards because of the uncertainty that accompanies them.
Ethical questions and concerns are being raised in cities and towns all over the United States as a number of prison inmates seem to be receiving better and/or reduced rate healthcare for otherwise costly medical procedures.
The commercial funding of continuing medical education (CME) and the potential for bias is of great concern for a significant number of healthcare practitioners and researchers, many of whom admit to being unwilling to pay higher fees to eliminate or offset commercial funding, according to a report in the Archives of Internal Medicine, (Arch Intern Med 2011;171:840-846).
Recently Catholic hospitals have received a large amount of media coverage in the news and on the Internet stemming from certain decisions concerning healthcare and ethics.
Some states have highly developed quality improvement organizations (QIOs) that have for years worked with healthcare organizations to improve quality, share information, and tackle problems.
Mention the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hospital system to QI professionals and you'll likely hear about any of the dozens of projects and programs developed at the VA that have percolated throughout the country and beyond with great positive impact on patients.
Failure and near-misses offer a significant opportunity to change the way you do something in a way that will benefit patients. But is there a best method of doing a root-cause analysis (RCA)? According to St. Joseph's Hospital in St. Paul, yes.
For some organizations, finding out where you fit in compared to other organizations is something they do regularly and well.
It was nice to win a national award for case management last winter, says Pat Metzger, RN, MSA, system executive for care management at Memorial Hermann in Houston. But that wasn't the aim when the program started a decade before the Franklin Award landed on her desk.