Safe lift programs save money, and they save more if they are comprehensive and have leadership support. That finding from a new study of workers' compensation and lift-related injuries in long-term care provides a strong, new underpinning for the financial benefits of safe patient handling.
As the health care workforce ages, the severity of work-related injuries is increasing, requiring new strategies for protecting workers. At the top of the list: Preventing falls, which are already the second most common cause of reportable injury in hospitals.
The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) briefly reopened the comment period on the proposed rule to record work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). The comments came from May 17 to June 16, about a month after two teleconferences focused on concerns of small businesses.
Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) are the most common form of hospital-acquired infections, accounting for as many as 80% of HAIs in acute care settings.
If you talk about giving patients a voice in how a hospital works and care is delivered, you will see many providers and administrators blanch with fear.
The National Strategy for Quality, released to Congress at the end of March, is just the first iteration of reports required by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to outline priorities and areas of focus for healthcare.
A patient safety initiative in Ohio has led to health care savings of nearly $13 million, reduced patient days spent in the hospital by 900, and resulted in nearly 3,600 fewer adverse drug events and infections in children.
In response to concerns raised about IRB review of genetic research, a group of investigators, ethicists and other stakeholders has surveyed genetic researchers and IRB professionals to discern what issues are complicating review.
It's a well-accepted position in human subjects protection circles that in order to improve IRBs and their relationships with investigators, it's important to actually study IRBs how they work, how long it takes to do things, the knowledge and attitudes that members carry into discussions of various types of research.
An overwhelming majority of research subjects with schizophrenia monitored over the course of a long-term medication study retained the capacity to give consent for research.