A surgery center decreased its same-day cancellation rate by 53%, increased patient satisfaction scores, and increased OR use by having nurses make calls to patients three days before surgery, according to a study in the July AORN Journal.
Annual plans to address patient education needs are created for 43 clinical areas at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, following an assessment by one of 13 educators. The primary role of the educator is to assess the need, write the plans, and then make sure the plans are implemented.
St. John Hospital and Medical Center in Detroit has received a $1.2 million grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation www.wkkf.org. The funds will be used to implement the St. John Mother Nurture Project, a comprehensive breastfeeding program providing direct health services and community based programming, along with the development of best practices and a "Baby Friendly" designation for St. John Hospital. The grant period runs from now through July 2014.
Pregnant women and new mothers need information and support so they can plan and be proactive if they choose to breastfeed their babies, according to The Joint Commission's (TJC's) newest Speak Up educational campaign.
Educators often talk about "teachable moments," those times when the patient is ready to learn. This moment might be in a waiting area, exam room, or a hospital bed. To take advantage of these times, staff in the Section of Patient Education at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, look for new ways to deliver patient education.
The Joint Commission has release another episode in its animated Speak Up video series, "Speak Up: Reduce the Risk of Falling."
Many research institutions now have quality assurance/improvement projects that include research site audits or quality checks. But how many have thought about performing such a quality check on the IRB's work?
The way investigators, research institutions, and IRBs handle incidental findings has evolved in recent years, with a consensus now forming around the belief that research sites have an ethical responsibility when it comes to reporting certain incidental findings to research subjects.
The Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) proposes extensive changes to the way that exempt and expedited studies are currently handled, with an emphasis on streamlining the process for researchers who conduct minimal risk activities, particularly in the social sciences.
Researchers studying whether specially padded underwear protected elderly wearers from hip fractures came up with a one-sided garment design that allowed them to compare the results of a padded hip and an unprotected hip on the same person.