Medical Ethics
NIH Explains its Draft CT Protocol Template
A draft clinical trial template tool might help investigators design and submit better protocols.
FDA Discusses New Guidance on Using EHRs for Clinical Investigations
New FDA guidance advises sponsors and clinical investigators to adhere to best practices, including the planning and management of using electronic health records in research, modifying the data, providing audit trails, and maintaining privacy and securing data.
Add Some Climbs and Hills to Typically Flat Career Path
It might require creativity, but there are ways to make the IRB office structure less flat.
Adopt the ‘Not a Success Until You Find a Successor’ Philosophy
With a huge chunk of the nation’s IRB leadership about to retire, now is the time to do succession planning, long-time IRB leaders say.
Reanimation Study a Step Toward Brain-death Breakthrough?
A new reanimation study of brain death has many compelling and hopeful aspects to its principal investigator in India and biotech sponsor in the U.S.
Do Physicians Get Incentives for Patients’ Donations?
Some institutions encourage physicians to solicit donations from grateful patients. A small minority of physicians report being offered financial incentives for doing so.
Providers’ Bias Against Obese Patients Affects the Care Patients Receive
A growing body of research reveals that clinicians are frequently biased against obese patients — and that patients are harmed as a result.
Ethical Debate Continues on Resident Work Hour Limits
Efforts to limit work hours of residents spurred ongoing debate over whether patients are, in fact, safer as a result.
'Big Data' in Healthcare has Some Ethicists Concerned
“Big data” is becoming increasingly important in healthcare, with the Precision Medicine Initiative and numerous other quality initiatives seeking de-identified information to improve care.
Experts: Create Hospital Policies on Ethics of Deactivating ICDs
Addressing implantable cardiac devices in hospital policies on withdrawal of life-sustaining interventions can support clinicians and prevent arbitrary decision-making.