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Medical Ethics Advisor



  • AMA lauds action on mental health coverage

    In early October, the American Medical Association in Chicago issued a statement by board member Jeremy Lazarus, MD, regarding Congressional action on mental health care coverage:
  • End-of-life discussions with physicians have benefits

    According to a recent study,1 terminally ill patients who had end-of-life discussions with physicians had earlier hospice enrollment (65.6% vs. 44.5%), compared to patients who did not have these discussions. Also, longer hospice stays were associated with better patient quality of life, while more aggressive medical care was associated with worse patient quality of life.
  • NHPCO awards grants to hospice providers

    The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) in Alexandria, VA, has received funding from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to launch a program improving access to quality hospice and palliative care to veterans, with a specific focus on reaching homeless veterans and those living in rural areas.
  • Criminal charges unlikely for prescribing opioids

    Criminal or administrative charges and sanctions for prescribing opioid analgesics are rare, according to a recent study.1 In addition, there appears to be little objective basis for concern that pain specialists have been "singled out" for prosecution or administrative sanctioning for such offenses, the study found.
  • Maintain infrastructure in flu pandemic

    In a new study, for which Nancy Kass, ScD, of the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics is the lead author, she and others outline their vision of an ethical response to a severe influenza pandemic: Keep society functioning.
  • AMA's Ethical Force program aims for measures

    "Increasingly, physicians and managed care organizations are being held accountable for quality of care based on the processes and outcomes of medical care and patient satisfaction. Yet high-quality care delivery involves more than good technical quality and acceptable customer service it also means upholding high ethical standards."
  • 73% of physicians discuss mistakes with colleagues

    Even with the driven culture of modern medicine, one study published recently in the Journal of Medical Ethics found that 73% of 338 respondents said that they usually discuss their mistakes with their colleagues.
  • Widespread interest in VA ethics program

    The IntegratedEthics program developed by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for its facilities, which comprise the largest health care system in the United States, has drawn interest and attention both domestically and internationally.
  • Court order raises ethical questions about research

    When a judge recently ordered a pharmaceutical company to provide an investigational drug to a teenage boy who had not met the enrollment criteria for a phase II trial, the IRB world took note.
  • Core competencies for ethics consultations

    Decision making in health care ethics consultation cases often involves difficult, complex issues and mediating differences of opinion.