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Medical Ethics Advisor



  • NHPCO offers position statement on palliative sedation

    Palliative care refers to patient- and family-centered care that optimizes quality of life by anticipating, preventing, and treating suffering. Palliative care throughout the continuum of illness involves addressing physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual needs and facilitating patient autonomy, access to information, and choice.
  • News From Abroad: UK bioethics council considers organ donation

    The Nuffield Council on Bioethics in London has set up what that organization terms a working party to study the issue of whether the UK can ethically increase organ or tissue donation by offering incentives.
  • Social networking: An ethical hazard?

    Online social networking sites have fans ranging from the very young to the very old. Some physicians, including psychiatrists, are not immune to a curious peek into the lives of their patients or at least what they can find online but is that a line that should be crossed in the physician-patient relationship?
  • Reciprocal responsibilities of patients and proxies

    A study of the roles and responsibilities of patients and their proxies has implications today for hospital ethics committees and associated consult services, particularly with regard to the weight given to the voice of the proxy, according to "Contracts, Covenants and Advance Care Planning: An Empirical Study of the Moral Obligations of Patient and Proxy."
  • Oregon POLST registry Secures 18,000 forms

    A registry that serves as a collection point for Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment known as POLST forms has collected forms from about 18,000 people in Oregon since the registry went live Dec. 3, 2009, according to Susan Tolle, MD, director of the Center for Ethics in Health Care at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) in Portland, OR, and who leads registry educational efforts.
  • Flagler ethics committee focuses on self-training

    Flagler Hospital - St. Augustine on Florida's east coast may offer practices or lessons for other mid-size to smaller community hospitals.
  • Academic centers provide education, resources to colleagues

    Smaller, community-based hospitals may face many of the same types of patient cases that require ethical decision-making; however, these hospitals often have fewer resources than large urban or academic centers with which to receive training in this area.
  • News Briefs: NQF endorses measures in psychiatric care

    The National Quality Forum (NQF) has endorsed two inpatient psychiatric measures focused on quality improvement in psychiatric hospitals and general hospitals with psychiatric units.
  • News Briefs

    The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) on April 13 released the 2009 National Healthcare Quality Report and the National Healthcare Disparities Report, which are used by a variety of health care stakeholders to evaluate quality and access to care.
  • Compassion & Choices in public ed effort

    In early April, Compassion & Choices President Barbara Coombs Lee said at a press conference to announce that "aid in dying" more often referred to as assisted suicide is being implemented in Montana following a Montana Supreme Court decision to allow it in late December.