In a matter of weeks, the U.S. Congress is expected to enact a federal ban on a pregnancy termination procedure known as partial-birth abortion. President Bush has indicated he will sign the bill into law.
Following the phenomenal success of the drug sildenafil (Viagra) in treating sexual dysfunction in men, pharmaceutical companies have recently focused intense interest and research funding toward finding a comparable drug that will offer the same benefits to women.
Two severely ill patients in the emergency department of your hospital need admission to the intensive care unit (ICU), but only one bed is available. Who gets admitted first?
For many years, institutions involved in training the nations bioscience researchers have spent a great deal of time and money ensuring that their graduates function at the cutting edge of science and technology.
For many years, institutions involved in training the nations bioscience researchers have spent a great deal of time and money ensuring that their graduates function at the cutting edge of science and technology.
Although all health care institutions and specialties are challenged by simultaneously rising costs and lack of financial resources, the problem is particularly acute in critical care, say experts.
In teaching health care providers how to care for patients at the end of life, many institutions forget to teach the providers that they need to care for themselves as well.
The department of maternal and fetal medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) in Nashville, TN, sees many patients referred in from rural parts of the state to receive specialized care not available in their own communities.
In July 2002, the North Carolina Medical Board made history by becoming the first state board to revoke the license of a physician for giving what it considered to be false and misleading testimony in a medical malpractice case.
Physicians often have to give bad and distressing news to patients. The screening tests have found cancer. An ultrasound shows that a pregnancy is not progressing normally. A planned treatment regimen is not having the desired result.