Medical Ethics Advisor
Patient Privacy Is Ethical Concern with DTC Tests
Many people assume that companies offering direct-to-consumer lab tests protect their privacy just as a doctor’s office would. However, this is not necessarily the case.
Knowledge Gap on Direct-to-Consumer Genomic Testing Is an Ethical Worry
Most U.S. companies that offer direct-to-consumer lab tests are not compliant with patient privacy regulations and acknowledge that consumer data could be used by third parties, according to a group of researchers. This article explores ethical concerns.
IRB Websites Are a Helpful Resource for Undergraduate Research Ethics
The way IRBs communicate about research ethics varies widely depending on the institution. This article will explore what this means for researchers.
Ethics Committees Obligated To Consider Diverse Study Populations
By the time research ethics committees review a study protocol, it’s largely complete, so ethicists often are reluctant to bring up the issue of whether the study populations are diverse. The author discusses new guidance for how ethics committees can take on this role.
Ethical Guidance for Autism Genomics Research
Autism genomics research raises some unique ethical concerns. The story will report on new ethics recommendations.
Ethics Committees Are Adding Community Members
This article covers effective approaches regarding ethics committees adding community members to their ranks.
Doctors Pressured to Participate in Grateful Patient Fundraising
Physicians are struggling with ethical responses if asked to participate in “grateful patient” fundraising for hospitals/health systems. This article discusses a new ACEP paper that addresses this ethically controversial practice.
Family/Clinician Conflicts Are Top Reason for Pediatric Ethics Consults
Conflicts between family members and clinicians are the most common issue addressed during ethics consults, according to a group of researchers. This article discusses implications for clinicians and ethics consultants.
Plastic Surgeon Ethics Complaints: Expert Testimony, Marketing
Allegations concerned deceptive advertising, including using altered pictures and making claims that could not be verified. Also, some surgeons have been accused of exaggerating their expertise or scope of practice to cash in on lucrative expert testimony opportunities.
Ethics Committees Need Successful Recruitment Tactics
Leaders share tips on how they managed to successfully recruit more colleagues to serve.