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Medical Ethics Advisor



  • Cataract surgery: Multiple options become ethical issue

    Options for a cataract patient might include a monofocal lens that will require the use of glasses, or a multifocal intraocular lens that might not, but carries the risk of side effects such as glares and halos.
  • Sickest patients aren't surveyed

    As it stands now, only hospital patients discharged to a home setting complete the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems survey - not patients who are discharged to a nursing home or rehab, or family members of patients who died in the hospital.
  • Program studies role of religion in practicing medicine

    Is a doctor's spirituality an obstacle or a benefit in the clinic? Does religious affiliation affect medical decision making? Can a spiritual calling protect doctors against career burnout?
  • Prenatal care for illegal immigrants divides Nebraska lawmakers

    Illegal immigration and health care have been mentioned a great deal in the news recently, and the issue has Nebraska's lawmakers at odds. Some conservatives are supporting a plan to offer state aid to pregnant women in the United States illegally.
  • Review board focuses on children, pregnant women

    When an institution's study portfolio gets large enough, its review board must decide: Is it time for a new board? And if so, how do you divide the work? At many institutions, that division is based on methodology studies are assigned to either a biomedical review board or one devoted to social-behavioral studies.
  • Can patients be given too much room to make own decisions?

    If a patient has high blood pressure, prescribing medication might seem like a "no-brainer" to the physician. However, this isn't always true for the patient, according to Mary Catherine Beach, MD, MPH, core faculty at the Berman Institute of Bioethics at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.
  • PCPs to face ethical dilemma of genetics

    In the near future, genomics will become an ordinary part of physician office visits, predicts Kenneth W. Goodman, PhD, professor and director of the University of Miami (FL)'s Bioethics Program.
  • Study reveals doctors' unethical online practices

    Physicians misrepresented their credentials online, violated patient confidentiality, had inappropriate communications with patients online, and used the Internet to prescribe medications to patients with whom they had no therapeutic relationship, according to a study of violations reported to state medical boards.1
  • Physician payments: Public trust is issue

    Payments made to physicians by pharmaceutical companies may undermine the trust of patients and the general public in medicine and science, according to Henk ten Have, MD, PhD, director of the Center for Healthcare Ethics at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Ethical challenges with social media

    When a patient is communicating with a provider online, it is "quite easy for a physician to cross ethical boundaries that are inherent to the physician-patient relationship," says Toby Schonfeld, PhD, associate professor of medicine and director of the master of arts in bioethics program at the Center for Ethics at Emory University in Atlanta.