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Medical Ethics Advisor



  • Living Wills and Advance Directives

    Living Will, Health care power of attorney, and Health care advance directive are defined.
  • Research says living wills won’t guarantee patients’ wishes

    Since passage of the Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA) in 1990, the living will a form of advance directive that spells out the signers wishes for end-of-life care and termination of care has become an almost automatic subject in any discussion of death or resuscitative medicine. But is the living will the useful tool that polls indicate most Americans believe it is?
  • Clarification

  • Direct-to-consumer ads change MD/patient dynamic

    You think the patient before you suffering from minor acid reflux will respond just fine to over-the-counter antacids, and you tell her so. But before you ever saw her, she had already decided that that purple pill advertised on television is what she needs, and theres no changing her mind.
  • Return of silicone implants: Safety still center of debate

    A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory committees recommendation that silicone gel breast implants be returned to the United States market after an essential ban of 13 years is being met with approval from some in the medical community and dismay by others.
  • Newborn screenings: Search for standards creates more questions

    Newborns in every state are screened for disorders that, if undetected, could lead to disability or death; but while some states test for nine or more conditions, others test for only one or two. Now, efforts are being made to bring uniformity to testing nationwide and to determine what tests are the most crucial.
  • AMA: More pilot studies to boost organ donation

    The American Medical Association (AMA) is urging its members to support pilot studies of whether presumed consent and mandated choice policies could increase organ donations, while the nations organ matching system continues to be skeptical of the success of such programs in the United States.
  • Samples effect residents’ drug prescribing habits

    An analysis of the prescribing practices of 29 internal medicine residents in an inner-city Minneapolis clinic indicates that residents with access to sample pharmaceuticals were more likely to prescribe heavily advertised drugs and less likely to prescribe over-the-counter (OTC) drugs than their peers.
  • Breast cancer genetic markers: Testing not for all

    Being proactive about health has gained lots of attention from consumers as well as health care providers, and testing for certain risk factors is part of that proactive approach.
  • News Briefs

    Massachusetts General Hospital and Partners HealthCare System have created a center in Boston that will seek to address the deep division existing in medical status between racial and ethnic groups.