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Medical Ethics Advisor



  • Practice guidelines needed for MCI diagnosis

    According to a recent survey of neurologists, "clinicians vary greatly in the education and support they provide or recommend for people with MCI [mild cognitive impairment], suggesting that there is a need for practice guidelines in this area."
  • Zen Buddhist chaplains practice not knowing

    In an unusual pairing, Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City has teamed with the New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care to apply the approaches of its Zen Buddhist chaplains to the anxieties and pains spiritual or physical of hospital patients.
  • News Briefs

    The Joint Commission (TJC) is launching a national campaign to help parents make a difference in their children's lives by being actively engaged when their children receive health care.
  • The ethics of saying no to patients

    The American Medical Association's policy in Opinion 2.035 on Futile Care clearly states: "Physicians are not ethically obligated to deliver care that, in their best professional judgment, will not have a reasonable chance of benefiting their patients. Patients should not be given treatments simply because they demand them. . . ."
  • Alzheimer's group supports principles for dignity

    In an effort to improve the physician-patient dialogue for patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, the Alzheimer's Association suggests that physicians keep in mind its Principles for a Dignified Diagnosis.
  • Chaplains' mission is to address the individual needs of specific patients

    One of the most significant events in a person's life one often intertwined with his or her philosophies, values, and spiritual beliefs is the process of dying and death.
  • TJC proposing new cultural sensitivity standards

    In light of the ever-increasing diversity in patient populations, The Joint Commission (TJC) is proposing revised and additional standards to address communication, cultural competence, and patient-centered care in hospital settings.
  • Study suggests patients don't understand CPR

    A study completed by researchers at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine suggests that many patients who are hospitalized do not fully understand all the steps involved in cardiopulmonary resuscitation or their chances of surviving an in-hospital cardiac arrest.
  • Guidelines for physicians in privacy breaches

    In light of the growing adoption of electronic medical records and the fact that its current policy does not address "physicians' ethical responsibilities in the event the security of electronic records is breached," according to a report of its Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs the American Medical Association has adopted four guidelines for physicians in such cases.
  • News Briefs

    NIH announces guidelines on stem cell research; CDC says 129 older adults in EDs for fractures daily; Congresswoman introduces legislation regarding in-office imaging loophole;