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Medical Ethics Advisor



  • Study: Patients, families often experience abandonment at end of life

    Feelings of abandonment on the part of patients and their caregivers are not uncommon as they transition from treatment to end-of-life care, according to a recent study completed by a team at the University of Washington.
  • News Briefs

    A study published in the March 9, 2009, issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, which revealed that patients with advanced cancer who reported talking to their physicians about their end-of-life care wishes had significantly lower health care costs in the last week of life.
  • Psychiatric advance directives: Pros and cons

    While psychiatric advance directives are not new in concept, patients tend not to take advantage of these tools.
  • Q&A on brain death with John D. Banja, PhD

    [Editor's note: Dr. Banja is a Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine; a Medical Ethicist at the Center for Ethics; and the Director of the Section on Ethics in Research at Emory University in Atlanta. E-mail: [email protected].]
  • Ethics consults: Procedures at OHSU and Mass Gen

    Susan Tolle, MD, director of the Center for Ethics at the Oregon Health & Sciences University in Portland, takes very seriously the center's role in providing consultative services to smaller, critical access hospitals in that state.
  • "Why I Chose Bioethics as a Profession"

    [Editor's note: This month's interview is with Laurie Zoloth, PhD, professor of bioethics at Northwestern University in Chicago.]
  • Obama moves to allow federal funding for ESCR

    By executive order, President Obama on March 9 raised the spirits of many research scientists and those who hope for potential cures to disease by announcing his decision in favor of "removing barriers" to "responsible scientific research involving human stem cells."
  • Zoloth: Shrinking resources require redefinition

    While some focus on the specific policies and standards of achieving a safe, quality health care system in the United States within the existing system, Laurie Zoloth, PhD, professor of bioethics at Northwestern University in Chicago, suggests a broader approach is necessary to achieve "healthy health care systems."
  • News Briefs

    The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) reported that the nation's hospice community "claimed a significant victory" when President Obama signed The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
  • HHS publishes proposal to rescind 'rule of conscience'

    At the urging of the Obama administration, a policy to rescind the so-called "rules of conscience" for health care providers means that battle lines have been drawn once again over the question of when life begins among other moral and scientific questions in reproductive health.