Acute stroke trials pose unique ethical challenges to researchers. Stroke interventions are extremely time-sensitive, meaning that decisions about treatment and research participation often must be made quickly.
The new edition of a widely used human subjects protection curriculum has an increased emphasis on community engagement and the importance of ongoing informed consent, says one of its developers.
Can the informed consent process actually provide too much information? That's the contention of HIV researcher Susan Allen, MD, MPH, DTM&H, director of the Rwanda Zambia HIV Research Group, based at Emory University in Atlanta, who points to a recent study she tried to conduct in Zambia of participants' knowledge about contraceptive options.
Seniors covered by BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee's Medicare Advantage plan are guided through the end-of-life (EOL) processes and are being empowered with the education, resources, and assistance they need to make their own decisions about what kind of care they want to receive at the end of life.
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) recently adopted guidelines concerning ethical conduct for surgeons when dealing with medical device and pharmaceutical manufacturers.
Hospital ethics committees sometimes find they are drawn into local cases that reflect national debates over healthcare costs and policies.
Some of the core principles of medical ethics are patient determination, doing good for patients, and doing justice. These also are some of the chief attributes of palliative care, experts say.
Hospital ethics committees and consultants can improve their own understanding of cultural clashes between the institution and patients/families by first considering the culture inherent in an ethics consult.
President Barack Obama has called for an investigation of U.S. human subjects research protections in response to last fall's disclosure that in the 1940s U.S. public health researchers deliberately infected Guatemalan research subjects with syphilis while testing penicillin.
The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) has published a report about end-of-life care, emphasizing the importance of more personal and private discussions about the topic.