Internal Review Boards
Short form translation saves time, costs
Translation of full informed consent forms into other languages can be a costly and time-consuming endeavor for researchers, particularly if there are few non-English speaking participants in a study. -
IRB develops non-research QI templates
Academic and medical research institutions and their IRBs often have to deal with study proposals that fall between research and quality improvement (QI). -
Examples from CHOP's short consent form
Preliminary review reaps quick benefits for health system IRB
A large health system IRB found that incomplete study submissions were clogging up the IRB review system, resulting in long waits up to three months for approval. -
Observation index ensures efficient audit
Study: Not all published trial data is complete
QI review finds problem with IRB's IC form
Staffing, collaborations top IRB issues
QI projects aim to prevent problems, improve processes
IRB creates user-friendly chart review application