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Internal Medicine



  • Cluster Headaches

    Cluster headache may be accompanied by a variety of neurological manifestations, and responds well to triptans and oxygen therapy.
  • Cancer or Heart Disease? Drinkers May Need to Choose

    Moderate alcohol intake was associated with longer survival and better quality of life scores for Australian women age 70-75 years old, while non-drinkers had greater risk of death and poorer health-related quality.
  • Clinical Briefs By Louis Kuritzky, MD

    In the United States, COPD is the 4th leading cause of death. Widespread public education about smoking toxicity has not decreased COPD mortality, and since 2000 the number of women who die from COPD has eclipsed men.
  • Posaconazole Oral Suspension (Noxafil®)

    The FDA has approved a new antifungal agent for the prevention of Aspergillus and Candida infections in at-risk individuals. Posaconazole is an oral triazole, broad spectrum, antifungal chemically similar to itraconazole.
  • The Nose Knows

    People who have symptoms of allergic rhinitis report more sleep complaints, including daytime sleepiness, than do those without allergic rhinitis.
  • Exercise and Restless Legs Syndrome

    A program of resistive exercise and treadmill walking reduced the severity of restless legs syndrome symptoms.
  • Full October 2006 Issue in PDF

  • Clinical Briefs in Primary Care supplement

    What is the Best Way to 'Predict' Diabetes: IFG, IGT, or A1c?; Hair Growth With Finasteride: Not Just More, but More Better!; Prevalence of Diabetic Neuropathy; Hypogonadism is Surprisingly Common in Middle-Aged Men; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Capturing the Benefits of MultiModal Treatment; Diastolic Dysfunction: Not So Benign
  • Updates By Carol A. Kemper, MD, FACP

    The only manufacturer of VZIG in the United States recently stopped its production. An alternate product, VariZIG, which is manufactured by a Canadian company and has not been approved for use in the United States by the FDA, can be obtained in the United States, but only through expanded access as an investigational new drug.
  • Preventing Fungal Infection: Does Clean Air Matter?

    It is widely accepted that vulnerable patients are best protected from acquiring invasive mold diseases by placing them in a protected environment, supplying sterile air by means of HEPA filtration with or without laminar air flow (LAF). However, there is little to support this contention.