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Internal Medicine



  • Statins After an MI: Does it Happen?

    Following a hospitalization for coronary heart disease (CHD) or acute coronary syndrome (ACS), randomized trials demonstrate that high-intensity atorvastatin is more effective than either placebo or low- to moderate-intensity therapy with either pravastatin or atorvastatin.1-3 Based on this evidence, the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association guidelines recommend high-intensity therapy in cases of an acute cardiac event, and recommend therapy be initiated before discharge.

  • A Guide to When and How to Stop CPR

    Although health care providers undergo hours of training and re-certification to provide resuscitative efforts for patients in cardiopulmonary arrest, few are given guidance in terms of when and how to stop it.

  • Post-ICU Stress Symptoms Associated with Increased Acute Care Service Utilization

    Over the past two decades, advances in critical care have resulted in more patients surviving to hospital discharge, but these successes are attenuated by several sequelae of critical illness, including depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).1 Risk factors for and the health care ramifications of these disorders are poorly understood. Given this, Davydow and colleagues aimed to investigate whether PTSD symptoms in the acute (< 1 month) ICU hospitalization period and PTSD and depressive symptoms at 3 months post-ICU were risk factors for future hospitalizations and emergency department (ED) visits.

  • Nasal Screening for MRSA: The New Basis for De-escalation of Empiric Antibiotics?

    Although nasal screening for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a widely accepted method for infection control, the relationship between nasal carriage and development of MRSA lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) is not well studied. Tilahun and colleagues sought to determine the association between MRSA nasal swab results and MRSA LRTI in a medical ICU. In this single-site, retrospective cohort study, 165 patients were diagnosed with pneumonia and had both nasal swabbing and culturing of respiratory specimens within 24 hours of admission.

  • Inpatient and Outpatient Care Providers: Why Can’t We Just Work Together?

    Many problems occur after a patient is discharged that are a direct result of poor coordination of care between hospitalists and primary care providers (PCPs). These issues include, but are not limited to, missed test results, medication errors, inadequate follow up, and harm to the patient. PCPs are frequently unaware that their patient was hospitalized and they often do not receive a copy of the discharge summary. The authors of this paper did a qualitative study to analyze the barriers and solutions to care coordination between hospitalists and PCPs in North Carolina.

  • A Regular SVT with Marked ST Depression

    The patient is a previously healthy 60-year-old man who presented with palpitations and new-onset chest pain

  • Updates

    Clinical Briefs discussing: Reducing Drug-induced Xerostomia with Sorbet, The Ongoing Search for Cognitive Impairment Biomarkers, and Bipolar Disorder is Associated with New-onset CVD.

  • Angiotensin Receptor Blockade, Renal Function, and Outcomes in Chronic Heart Failure

    The authors concluded that compared with 50 mg losartan, 150 mg losartan is associated with an increased risk of early WRF, but this appears to be a benign event.

  • Jogging and Long-term Mortality

    Joggers who perform light and moderate jogging programs have lower mortality than sedentary non-joggers, whereas strenuous joggers have a mortality rate not statistically different from that of the sedentary group.

  • Influenza, 2014-2015 — Something Old, Something New

    As of early January, influenza activity had reached epidemic proportions in large parts of the United States, with many of those being affected despite prior vaccination.1 The occurrence of infection in vaccinated individuals is not unexpected since influenza vaccine efficacy is usually only approximately 60%. There is, however, an additional problem during this influenza season because of an unanticipated mismatch between the components of the 2014-2015 vaccine, which are identical to the 2013-2014 vaccine composition, and the dominating circulating virus type. Thus, current trivalent influenza vaccines contain hemagglutinin (HA) derived from an A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)-like virus, an A/Texas/50/2012 (H3N2)-like virus, and a B/Massachusetts/2/2012-like (Yamagata lineage) virus. Quadrivalent influenza vaccines contain these antigens as well as a B/Brisbane/60/2008-like (Victoria lineage) virus.