A medical research unit in the United Kingdom analyzed 18 different strategies for managing patients with suspected deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Using systematic review, meta-analysis and cost effectiveness analysis, they settled on an algorithm based on clinical risk.
The FDA has licensed the first vaccine to prevent cancer due to human papillomaviruses (HPV) types 6, 11, 16, and 18, the most common subtypes of this prevalent virus.
Male pattern baldness is a result of the impact of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) upon scalp hair follicles which results in a progressive miniaturization of follicles leading to thinner, shorter hairs in genetically susceptible men.
Clinicians seem not to follow any of several recommended guidelines when evaluating and treating pharyngitis and, as a result, there is widespread over-treatment with antibiotics.
Testing and treating H. pylori and empirical PPI treatment similarly relieved symptoms in dyspeptic patients, but the 'test and treat' strategy resulted in lower endoscopic workload and decreased cost.
Chronic insomnia in older adults improved more with objective measures when treated with cognitive behavioral therapy rather than nightly medications.
The FDA has given an accelerated approval for a new protease inhibitor (PI) for the treatment of HIV infections. Darunavir (TMC114) is approved for patients who have shown resistance to more than one protease inhibitor.
The two non-sequential lead II rhythm strips shown in the image were interpreted as showing "sinus tachycardia (top strip) with sudden development of PSVT" (lower strip).
Cephalosporins should be considered for penicillin-allergic patients due to low cross-reactivity risk, but these patients do have a small increased risk of subsequent reactions to both sulfonamides and cephalosporins.
Black cohosh, when studied in appropriate randomized trials, is no different than placebo treatment in affecting hot flushing.