Normal circulating plasma glucose concentration is maintained by a delicate constant balance between glucose utilization (i.e., glycolysis or storage as glycogen by various tissues) on one hand and glucose production on the other (i.e., glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis induced in certain tissues, such as liver, muscle, renal parenchyma, and adipose tissue). During the late post-absorptive period or starvation, normal glucose concentration is maintained by facilitating glucose production while inhibiting glucose uptake.
Kiefer D. Black cohosh and menopause: Is it still hot? Altern Med Alert 2006;9(12):133-137.
O'Mathuna DP. Exercise during and after cancer treatment. Altern Med Alert 2006;9(12):137-140.
Greenfield RH. Gut reaction: Curcumin and colorectal cancer. Altern Med Alert 2006;9(12):140-142. Greenfield RH. Popeye was right! Olive oil (Oyl?) and the heart. Altern Med Alert 2006;9(12):142-143. Greenfield RH. D better it is: D2 or D3? Altern Med Alert 2006;9(12):143-144. Greenfield RH. Pomegranates Mess? A brief report. Altern Med Alert 2006;9(12):144.
Physical activity at work or during leisure time is linked to a 50% lower risk of getting colon cancer. Both vigorous and moderate levels of physical activity appear to reduce this risk.
Growing stronger: Strength training for older adults. Altern Med Alert 2006;9(Suppl 12):S1-S4.
Psoriasis sufferers may face an increased risk of having a heart attack, a new study suggests. The risk appears to be most pronounced among younger patients with more severe forms of the disease.
Both overweight and normal-weight persons underestimated calorie content of large meals but not smaller meals. Since overweight persons ate larger size meals, they consumed more unnecessary calories.