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Integrative Medicine



  • Clinical Briefs by Louis Kuritzky, MD

    The action to control cardiovascu-lar risk in diabetes (ACCORD) study is really three studies in one, providing information about blood pressure, glucose, and triglyceride treatment in high-risk diabetic patients.
  • Belimumab Injection (Benlysta™)

    The FDA has approved the first new treatment for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) since 1955 when hydroxychloroquine and corticosteroids were approved. Belimumab is a recombinant human IgG1l monoclonal antibody specific for soluble human B lymphocyte stimulator protein (BLyS).
  • Effect of APCs and VPCs on the Risk of SCD

    This study concluded that subjects without a known history of any cardiovascular disease who demonstrated ventricular premature complexes on a 2-minute rhythm strip are significantly more likely to die from sudden cardiac death and the effect appears to be additive when atrial premature complexes occur concurrently.
  • Coffee: It's a GOOD thing!

    Women who drink little or no coffee appear to be at an increased risk of stroke compared with those who drink moderate amounts of coffee.
  • Pharmacology Watch

    Apixaban and rivaroxaban near approval for nonvalvular atrial fibrillation; fidaxomicin for C. difficile infections; guideline for intensive insulin therapy; and FDA Actions.
  • When It Comes to Exercise, Maybe More is Better

    In this meta-analysis, individuals who exercised or had sex episodically had an increased risk of acute cardiac events during those activities compared with those who had high levels of habitual physical activity.
  • Whooping Cough: Management and Diagnosis of Pertussis

    Pertussis, commonly known as the "whooping cough," is an infection of the upper respiratory tract leading to a protracted cough illness. Emergency physicians should become familiar with the diagnosis and management of this disease, given the potential of pertussis infections to cause serious morbidity and mortality in young infants. Furthermore, treating pertussis in a timely manner has a large public health impact given its extremely contagious nature.
  • Alternative Medicine Alert - Full April 2011 Issue in PDF

  • You Decide: A Little Gas or Premature Death?

    Dietary fiber intake appears to lower all-cause mortality, including death from cardiovascular, infectious, and respiratory diseases.
  • Prenatal Omega-3 Supplementation: Benefits Questioned

    Results of the DOMInO (DHA to Optimize Mother and Infant Outcomes) randomized control trial did not support using fish oil (DHA predominant) to prevent maternal postpartum depression or to improve cognitive ability in children at 18 months of age.