The study authors reviewed observational data on chocolate consumption and the risk of cardiometabolic disease, and found strong evidence of a protective effect. The wide variety of methods employed across studies, among other issues, make cause and effect assumptions premature, though they do fall in line with previous data suggesting chocolate's health benefits.
In a prospective study of women with breast cancer who had undergone axillary node dissection, use of manual lymphatic drainage techniques over 5 months provided no additional preventive benefit with respect to development of arm lymphedema over general preventive lifestyle measures and individualized exercise therapy.
Migraine headaches affect 11% of the world's population.1 Since 90% of migraineurs experience moderate to severe pain and 35% are bedridden with headache episodes, the World Health Organization has listed migraine among the top 20 disability-causing diseases.
This blinded, randomized, controlled trial found that a biofield therapy and a mock treatment did not differ in their effectiveness in relieving cancer-related fatigue, although they both were significantly better than control. The biofield therapy did lead to significantly greater cortisol variability, which is associated with fatigue.
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is an irregular, disorganized, electrical activity of the atria.1 It is characterized by uncoordinated atrial activity that leads to inefficient atrial contraction and impaired ventricular filling, which leads to hemodynamic and mechanical functional impairments.
Interpret the 12-lead ECG shown above obtained from a hemodynamically stable patient with underlying heart disease and new-onset palpitations. Despite the apparent QRS widening is this sinus tachycardia (arrow pointing to 'P waves' in lead II)?
An ultra long-acting, orally-inhaled beta2-adrenergic agonist (LABA) has been approved for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Indacaterol is formulated as a dry powder and is the first beta2-agonist to be dosed once-daily. It is marketed by Novartis as Arcapta™.