The FDA has approved a combination of 2 antiretrovirals, abacavir and lamivudine for the treatment of HIV-1 infections.
A calcium score < 100 eliminates the need for MPS, but patients with a negative MPS often have coronary calcium. These findings imply a potential role for applying CAC screening after MPS among patients manifesting normal MPS.
A retrospective study of 24,112 patients with coronary heart disease showed increased 30-day mortality in patients who received one or more blood transfusions for anemia compared to comparable patients not transfused.
Greenfield RH. Acunpuncture for PONV. Altern Med Alert 2004;7(11):131-132.
O'Mathuna DP. Creatine to improve muscle strength. Altern Med Alert 2004;7(11):128-131.
The NIH has halted the estrogen-alone wing of the Womens Health Initiative a year before its scheduled end.
The ECG shown in the Figure was obtained in the emergency department (ED) from a 61-year-old woman with a history of significant hypertension. She was alert, oriented, and not in acute distress at the time this tracing was recorded, although she was markedly hypertensive and experiencing some chest pain. No prior ECG was available. The patient was treated in the ED with several doses of Adenosine and eventually converted to sinus rhythm. Your thoughts on the rhythm and the management?
The FDA has approved a combination product of amlodipine and atrovastatin for the treatment of patients with comorbid hypertension and hypercholesterolemia.
Although regular aspirin use reduces the risk for colorectal adenoma formation as shown in previous randomized-controlled trials, the protective effect now seems to be greatest at substantially higher doses (> 14 standard tablets/week) than currently recommended for cardiovascular prophylaxis.
B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a biomarker released by cardiac ventricular myocytes. Its usefulness is mainly in the emergency room for the evaluation of acute dyspnea, to evaluate for cardiac failure. BNP may have usefulness as a screening test for preclinical heart disease, for risk stratification and for guidance with therapy.