Ever since 1796, when Edward Jenner introduced the world's first vaccine against smallpox, the role of vaccination has arguably become one of the most important advances in medicine.
FDA Advisory Committee recommends approval of dabigatran, safety of proton pump inhibitors, effectiveness of glucosamine and chondroitin, FDA Actions.
In september 2010, the most recent study of intercessory prayer was published in the Southern Medical Journal. The researchers suggested that the key to prayer's effectiveness was proximity between the person praying and the one prayed for.
Recent decades have seen a dramatic expansion in the visibility of ethnic and cultural diversity in the United States.
Low-dose aspirin, given before 17 weeks, significantly decreases the risk of preeclampsia, severe preeclampsia, IUGR, and preterm birth, compared with its effect when given after that time.
Fibromyalgia patients were randomized to a treatment protocol consisting of 12 weeks of tai chi instruction and practice or a control intervention of wellness education and stretching exercises also of 12 weeks duration. The tai chi treatment group demonstrated clinically significant improvements in pain and quality of life compared to the control group and these improvements were maintained at 24-week follow up.