The ECG in the Figure was obtained from a 41-year-old woman with chest pain of suspected cardiac etiology. The tracing shows complete RBBB (right bundle branch block). How many additional ECG findings of potential concern can you identify that may be relevant in view of this patients clinical history?
Pneumococcal Vaccine Ineffective at CAP Prevention; Flu Vaccine Limits
Hospitalization; Verapamil Not Up To Competition; International
Companies Unite Against SARS; New FDA Comissioner Brings Controversy;
Janssen: Dear Doctor Letter for Risperidone
Another fluoroquinolone has been added to the list of antibacterial agents for respiratory tract infections. Gemifloxacin is a broad-spectrum agent that is highly active against the most common respiratory pathogens, including penicillin and macrolide resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Impaired Fasting Glucose vs Impaired Glucose Tolerance; Risk Stratification in Long-QT Syndrome; EBCT, Motivation, Behavioral Change, and Cardiovascular Risk Profile
A Strategy to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease by More Than 80 Percent; Pearly Penile Papules: Still No Reason for Uneasiness; The Epidemiology of Major Depressive Disorder
Only about 12% of patients with new onset atrial fibrillation who did not have apparent contraindications to warfarin treatment filled prescriptions for it.
Peripheral arterial disease is common. Screening with measurement of the ankle-brachial index will improve detection.
The low-carbohydrate diet produced a greater weight loss than did the conventional diet for the first 6 months, but the differences were not significant at 1 year.
The association of caffeine and nicotine in pharmaceutical products and aneurysmal SAH warrants further study.